Thursday, October 11, 2007

Need a second to breathe....

I know I started this whole thing and I've been me, I have a ton of posts in my head...but no time to post them! I've been working like a crazy woman, to save money for this wedding. Can we talk about getting together sometime soon? New Years? NYC? Philly? MA? AK? MD?

And let's not even get into how my magazine obsession has switched from cheesy corporate home magazines to cheesy corporate wedding magazines. My shame runs deep.


Anonymous said...

My favorite part of wedding magazines has always been the registry checklists. Do they still have those? It combines my love of lists with my love of shopping and presents.

Faith said...

sorry i haven't sent you the bride mags yet! i'm getting together a litle care package for my buddy & will be off to the PO next weekend - so, mags will be off to you, too.

CD and SP said...

it's okay--shots and drugs and dr.'s appts. have thrown us for a loop as well.