Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Then...and Now

My ten-year MHC Reunion was this past weekend. We lucked out for a second time with just perfect weather for the laurel parade. It was a beautiful day. The 'virginal' dress (much more trendy now-a-days), the old ladies in their carts waving with all their heart (one from the class of 1933 - WOW), the laurel chain on the shoulders of the fresh faces, the worst rendition of "Bread and Roses", lots of smiles and some tears. Another nice Mount Holyoke tradition.

Look what can happen in ten years! Gosh, I knew nothing. Nothing. At least now I know that I know nothing, or that at least there is so much more to know. I looked like a baby, and now I'm going to have a baby. Thank god it took me 10 years. I can't imagine raising a baby and knowing nothing. I'm a different person.

Next year it's your turn ladies. Go and do it. It really was fun to relive. And if you get knocked up you can borrow my shirt - white maternity is not so easy to come by!


stacey said...

Woo-hoo. I was thinking of you walking around in white this weekend. Were there any other pregnant ladies from your class?

Laura said...

Holy crap, you DO look like a baby in the old picture! BUT you look like a beautiful mommy in the new one...AND, if you recall, even 10 years ago, you were rubbing your belly and talking about having babies...you woulda been a great mom even then.

S. said...

there was one other very annoying woman who was pregnant, but not due until November so I out-girthed her by miles.

p.s. I can probably dig up the hat too if someone would like to borrow that

Liz said...

I was thinking of you that weekend, too, walking along the Laurel Parade path. Got a bit nostalgic for MHC and all that/who went along with it...

Sounds like all is well. Loved seeing the pic!!

Anonymous said...

A quick cyber-stalk and here I find one of my favorite old friends all hitched up and having a baby!!!


I hope we can be in touch sometime and catch up....

gremlinley at hotmail